Wichita LGBT Health Coalition Meeting
March 30, 2022
TJ Miller Jessica Huber Lydia Tilton Nolin Christensen
Kaitlyn Boger Kin Neufeld Dawna Raehpour Mary Gonzales
Matthew Neuman Denise Vann Carrie Malin Zarin Shoity
Jessica Humke T’Keyah Williams Amanda Mogoi Kayla Del Rio
Will Rapp Olivia Stineman Mariah White
Upcoming meetings for the rest of the year: 4/27, 5/25, 6/29, 7/27, 8/31, 9/28, 10/26, 11/30,
and 12/28.
Upcoming events:
June 27-July 3: Camp Sunflower
March 31: Transgender Day of Visibility event at M-Care from 6-7:30 pm
June 25: Wichita Pride Unity March & Family Picnic at Hyde Park. March starts at Old Town
Square at 10 am.
September 17: Wallflower Dance
September 24-25: Wichita Pride festival and events
May 7: GLSEN prom at Wichita Art Museum
April 9: Wichita Thunders “Hockey is for Everyone” night
April 4: Presentation of findings by KU’s team that collaborated with the Coalition to do an
LGBTQ youth needs assessment. Registration is free but required.
April 29: Take Back the Night event sponsored by WASAC
April 16: The Freestate Festival in Lawrence will show the “Mama Bears” documentary. Dawna
will attend with Free Mom Hugs.
Positive Directions now has a community fridge.
The Alzheimer Association is sponsoring “Caring for your own LGBTQ Caregiver” conference on
4/14. On the 3
Saturday from 10-11 am they also offer a support group.
Matthew Neuman of the LGBTQ Foundation leads a monthly online group to foster connection.
It happens on the first Sunday of each month. Search Facebook to join. He also mentioned the
need for LGBTQ peer mentors for young people. A Barton CCC trans student recently died by
GLSEN’s executive director, Will Rapp, shared some upcoming events. They will attend the
event at M-Care. They will also have a leadership conference, as well as a Day of Silence event
on 4/22. Starry Rainbow Night is the prom theme. Will met with the Title IX Coordinator at
USD 259 about how to support teachers who are transitioning. GLSEN will also have a summer
arts festival on June 26 at McAdams Park.
Amanda of M-Care will partner with PDI and Community Walgreens for National HIV Testing Day
event on June 26.
T’Keyah Williams from Sedgwick County Health Department has taken over for Jeff McGaffin.
Kayla Del Rio mentioned a conference for providers in Denver May 5-8. It will have a special
track for those providers who are new to caring for those with HIV.
Kim @Bike Walk Wichita noted that events are shared on their Facebook page. Jody McClure is
the LGBTQ Connector for BWW and is working with 5 area churches. Events are open to all ages
and abilities.
Nolin mentioned the various groups that meet at the Center. Transgender groups for adults and
young people are available.
TJ Miller asked about resources for top surgery funding. Judy Brown can be contacted for this.
Kayla Del Rio mentioned Dr. Ponamaroo (spelling?) as a possible provider.
Amanda Mogoi reiterated the need to speak out against anti-trans legislation that is being
considered in Kansas.